Listed below are a few suggestions to help your newly planted landscape not only stay alive but thrive.


  • Trees and shrubs with gator bags – fill bags every 2 days in hot weather and every 3-4 days in cool weather
  • Trees and shrubs – Thoroughly soak every 2 days in hot weather and every 4 days in cool weather. ( 1-2 gallons per inch of trunk caliper is a good rule of thumb)
  • Sod and annuals – Water daily after installation. In extremely hot weather sod may need to be watered twice daily (early morning and late evening) until it is knitted into the ground enough that you can’t pull it back up.  Sod should be soaking wet to prevent edges from drying up.


  • Fertilizer at planting is not recommended.  Begin a regular feeding program the next growing season with an appropriate fertilizer.


  • If mulching was included in the planting then no new mulch is necessary.  A light 1-2” top dressing next year is recommended as a properly mulched bed helps lower soil temperatures, and helps prevent competing weeds from growing.
  • If mulching was not included a 3” layer of hardwood bark mulch is recommended.


  • Your plants will be insect and disease free when they are installed.  If plants need to be treated in the future for any insect of disease problems do not hesitate to give us a call and we can send someone out to help treat your specific need.


  • Almost all trees and shrubs can be pruned when they are dormant, usually late winter.  The exception to this is all spring flowering plants.  If they are pruned at this time it will result in the loss of flower buds, and hence no flowers.  This is why it is important to know what the plant is a when it blooms before you get the pruners out.  We would be happy to help you with any questions you have regarding pruning, or you could have us take care of all your landscape needs with our maintenance programs.  Never hesitate to give us a call!